What Causes Hip Pain And Is It Normal

For some people, hip pain is nothing more than a minor injury or pinched nerve. In other cases, however, constant discomfort could indicate arthritis, osteoporosis, or a fracture. As people get older, hip pain due to arthritis is common. Over time, pain and discomfort can worsen and interfere with daily life. What can patients do to manage this pain at home? And when should people consider a total joint replacement?

mackinaw surgery center When To Consider Total Joint Replacement 3 At Home Remedies To Reduce Hip Pain

1. Choose the right exercise

When in pain, movement may be the last thing on a person’s mind. But exercise can help reduce hip pain. If a person chooses the right type of activity. Movements that put pressure on the hip and joints, such as running, is not beneficial. However, some patients may benefit from activities like yoga, tai chi, and gentle stretching. Swimming and cycling may also be better cardiovascular exercises for those with hip pain.

2. Hot and cold therapy

Many patients experience an improvement in pain with hot and cold treatment. Try alternating an ice pack and heating pad every 15 minutes for a few rounds every day. Patients may also benefit from taking a warm bath or shower before stretching to help warm up the muscles.

3. Try supplements

If hip pain is caused by rheumatoid arthritis (RA), patients may benefit from specific supplements that contain omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids can help to increase the lubrication of the joints and decrease pain. However, some supplements can interfere with certain medications, so always speak with a doctor before starting a new supplement.

When to consider joint replacement

If noninvasive treatment methods have not been effective, a surgeon may recommend a total hip replacement. The most significant indication for joint replacement surgery is when a patient is in so much pain that the discomfort interferes with daily activities. Daily activities could include anything from getting out of bed to carrying groceries into the house.

What happens during surgery?

During a joint replacement surgery, the surgeon replaces a damaged or worn joint with an artificial one. This type of surgery has an over 90% success rate. Many patients experience a significantly improved quality of life after surgery and an opportunity to be more active again. Some patients may require traditional surgery, while others may be candidates for a minimally invasive total joint replacement. For more information about choosing the right treatment option, speak with a healthcare provider.