Say Goodbye To Chronic Back Pain

Affecting millions of people worldwide, chronic back pain is a common and debilitating condition. Back pain can impact various aspects of a person’s life, including the ability to work, engage in physical activities, and enjoy daily activities. More American adults are also struggling with chronic back pain due to limited exercise, long sedentary hours, and associated chronic diseases. Some back pain sufferers find relief through conservative treatments such as physical therapy (PT), medication, and lifestyle modifications. However, other individuals may require minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery. This innovative approach quickly addresses the issue with little risk to the patient.


Understanding fusion surgery

Spinal fusion surgery involves joining 2 or more vertebrae together, which creates stability and reduces movement in the affected area of the spine. The bones grow and fuse over several months, creating a larger, solid piece of bone. This surgery is often performed for the treatment of chronic back pain and other degenerative spinal conditions. In almost all cases, there is a damaged or degenerative disc. There are 2 main types of spinal fusion surgery, open spinal fusion and minimally invasive spinal fusion. Traditional open spinal fusion is a more invasive procedure that involves a large incision and significant disruption of the surrounding muscles. Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) utilizes smaller incisions and advanced techniques to minimize tissue damage and promote faster recovery.

The MIS approach

Minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery has become increasingly popular and preferred over traditional open spinal fusion for several reasons. The procedure results in less pain due to the small incisions. Patients who undergo MIS experience less post-operative pain compared to open surgery. In addition, minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery reduces blood loss during the procedure, decreasing the need for transfusions and advancing recovery. MIS also lowers the risk of infection and results in shorter hospital stays, reducing healthcare costs. Moreover, minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery is clinically effective in treating multilevel degenerative spinal diseases.

What to expect during recovery

After undergoing minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery, patients can expect a faster and smoother recovery compared to traditional open surgery. During the initial recovery period, patients may experience some discomfort and mild pain at the incision sites. However, this pain can usually be managed with pain medications prescribed by the surgeon. Patients will need to avoid strenuous activities at least 6 weeks after the surgery to allow for proper healing of the surgical site. PT and rehabilitation are typically recommended to help regain strength and mobility in the spine.

Fuse your spine

For people with months or even years of chronic back pain, all hope can seem lost. This is especially true for individuals who have tried all conservative options without success. These are the best candidates for minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery. Additionally, people who have been diagnosed with multilevel degenerative spinal diseases, such as herniated discs or spinal stenosis, can benefit from MIS. Patients must be evaluated by a spine surgeon to determine suitability. However, most patients will qualify and can get quick treatment, experience faster recovery, and enjoy a better quality of life.