Partial Tear Knee Pain

An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the 4 ligaments found in the knee and supports the knee. ACL helps to prevent excessive forward movement. A sudden movement causes a tear in the ACL and the grading of the tear is based on the severity. In some cases, reconstruction or surgery is needed to repair the tear.


Experiencing sudden symptoms

A loud pop or snap of the knee is felt when a person makes a sudden move. Pain can be felt but the degree of pain depends on the severity of the ACL tear. The knee becomes swollen within the first few hours and walking can be uncomfortable. A person can also experience knee instability and difficulty bearing weight on the leg. Based on the degree of the ACL tear, the symptoms vary from person to person.

Grading a tear

ACL tear is classified into 3 types of grades. Grade 1 tear is a mild knee injury with a stabilized knee joint. A partial ligament tear is referred to as grade 2 ACL tear, which is usually uncommon. Grade 3 tear is when the ACL is completely torn and has no knee stability.

Solutions to tears

The treatment of ACL tears is based on the grading of the tear. Grade 1 tears are managed conservatively with various treatments such as RICE protocol, a brace, and physical therapy. The RICE protocol means resting, applying ice, doing compression on the knee, and elevating the knee. Surgery such as ACL reconstruction is reserved for grade 3 tears that are entirely torn. The surgery involves replacing the torn ACL with a tendon graft.

Grade 2 tears

The treatment of partial ACL tears is based on various factors. The doctor will need to consider many factors before suggesting the treatment choice. Conservative treatments are recommended if there is a partial tear and no instability symptoms. Reconstruction is advised for an athlete or if a person wants to resume high-impact activities. If the symptoms are impacting a person’s quality of life, then reconstruction is advised by the doctor.

Getting involved in rehabilitation

Regardless of the treatment choice, rehabilitation or physical therapy is essential to full recovery. Rehabilitation lessens knee swelling and pain, improves the range of movement, and makes the muscles robust. Physical therapy is often prescribed prior to considering surgery.

Knee recovery

After treatment, whether physical therapy alone or surgery and rehab, the majority of ACL tears have a good prognosis. Recovery takes longer with reconstruction surgery. Speak to the doctor about the best option for treating a partial tear. Often recovery depends on the health of the knee prior to injury.